Women’s Health
House of Nature Medical Center can help you if you suffer from painful periods, irregular menstruation cycles and all behavioural symptoms associated with menstruation.

- Do you experience painful or irregular periods/menstruation?
- Have you had bleeding between your periods?
- Have you had mood swings or been sluggishness before periods?
As a woman, you might share some common health risks with men, such as Hypertension, Diabetes etc. but because of your special reproductive role, you are at risk of some distinctly female disorders.
We have a solution for you that is completely herbal, no side effects helps to heal naturally, by holistic way of approach!
How can House of Nature Medical Center help you?
– Through a combination of Ayurveda + Yoga.
Ayurveda has formulated tonics, healthcare supplements and such other health care products for prenatal, post natal and neonatal care and to ensure reproductive health. Effective herbal remedies are available for the problem of menopause and conditions such as pre-menstrual tension. Ayurveda has best natural health supplements and products to manage the changes in the body right from puberty to menopause.
Our Ayurvedic practitioner will conduct your through clinical Examination and review your medical history to prepare a customised Healthcare Plan suited for your condition. Your plan may include Ayurvedic Herbs, Therapeutic massages, Therapeutic Yoga, Diet & Nutrition Plan to support your health goal.